Now that spring has arrived we are excited to announce our BNS Acceleration Project training group!  We will be having a meeting at BNS East on Wednesday April 23rd at 7 PM to go over this and answer any questions that you may have. This meeting is geared for the Junior program, we will be having a Masters training group that is lower key and meeting once a week starting in July as well. Keep your eyes peeled for a meeting for that later in the spring.
If you have any questions in the meantime feel free to ask on email. The goal of this is to take anyone interested in Nordic Skiing from middle school through college age and increase their knowledge and proficiency in every aspect of the sport. We will work to integrate with all HS and MS programs as well so that all coaches are on the same page.  Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Click Read More for complete details.

BNS Acceleration Project Outline 2014

Objective: The BNS Acceleration Project has been established to provide athletes interested in year round cross country ski training with strength and technique coaching through the summer and fall months to better prepare them for the next competition season. The goal of this program is to get athletes to the next level in their skiing development. You do not need to be at any certain level to participate in the program! We will help you expand your knowledge of ski training and technique in unison with either your High School or College programs. Programs can be customized to suit each athlete and their needs. We will have fall options as well and hopefully a winter option!

The training program will start the first week in June and run for ten weeks. For anyone who would like to start earlier and do either weekends or a comprehensive program please let us know. We already have several athletes signed up for something starting earlier on different levels.

As a part of this program you will also receive training opportunities with other programs from Maine/NH, seminars at BNS East and special pricing on selected products including rollerskis from BNS.

-Training Options:

-4 days/week for Ten Weeks

The 4 day/week program is a fully functional training program that will include a wide range of training. These workouts will include strength, technique, over distance, and interval workouts. The layout of each week will vary depending on where we are in our training, to best suit the development of every skier. All workouts will be done as a group to help create a team atmosphere, which allows for peer encouragement in order for every athlete to push themselves to their greatest potential.  Our technique sessions will be aided by video analysis. These videos will be reviewed on site during the sessions as well as emailed to athletes so they can be reviewed after sessions so the work and critique that has been done is reinforced.                        

Cost: $550

2 Days/week

                -10 Weeks

This Program allows the athletes to pick and choose which sessions they would like to attend. As an offshoot of the 4 days/week program, these athletes can come to any 2 days of the week of their choosing. These athletes will still receive the same benefits of the technique training with the video analysis that the full program receives.

Cost: $400

1 Day/Week

                -10 Weeks

                -1 technique day on rollerskis

                                Same technique as above applies to this program as well.

Cost: $300


Full Program:

This program consists of the same amount of group training days as the 4 day program. Each athlete involved will get a full training program that will be reassessed every two weeks and tweaked as needed in order to meet specific training needs.  These athletes will also have access to more one on one technique training to further enhance the benefits of their sessions. This program is truly designed for an athlete who wants essentially a full time coach.

Cost: $900

-Equipment Needs

                -Rollerskis Skate and Classic

                -Ski Poles with Rollerskis Tips

                -Bike Helmet

                -Water Bottle

                -Running Shoes

                -Watch and or Heart Rate monitor

Who can be involved:


                -High School Athletes

                -Athletes going into high school

                -Colleges athletes returning home for the summer

                -Athletes going to college for the first time

                -Post Graduate athletes

1-2 days/week

                -Middle school and High School Athletes.



The head coach of the BNS Acceleration Project is Shane MacDowell. Shane was a standout junior racer who attended Burke Mtn. Academy and then attended UNH to ski. Post college he has worked at BNS and as a coach and wax tech for the Sun Valley Gold Team, a post collegiate Olympic Development Team. Shane has also worked for the US Ski Team on trips to Europe for both U16/Scandinavian Cup and OPA Cup.  Shane is well known to Portland skiers having run this program for the last two summers. IF we get the program big enough Shane will stick around and coach all winter for BNS.

James Upham is a consultant for BNS Acceleration Project and will lead some workouts and consult with Shane on aspects of the program. James is the former Head Development Coach for the US Biathlon Team and has worked at multiple World Championships and Olympics. James is known as one of the foremost authorities on skate technique in the US.